Sunday, November 24, 2013

Samsung Developing and Managing Products

Product Life Cycle is a concept that provides a way to trace the stages of product's acceptance, from its introduction to  its decline.

Samsung Galaxy Introductory Stage
Samsung used aggressive advertising to introduce their Galaxy products, they spend 401 million dollars in 2012 on advertising.

Samsung Galaxy Growth Stage
Galaxy phones are in its growth stage because despite the crowded market of smartphones Galaxy phones offers a lot of features like Air View, Smart Scroll, Smart Pause and Watch On their competitors don't offer at a reasonable price.

Samsung Galaxy Maturity Stage
Smartphone market is definitely crowded, everyone has one. In next 5 years smartphones will reach its maturity stage.

Samsung Galaxy Decline Stage
Society will get tired of smartphones like it did with flip and bulky phones. At that point a new upgrade in cellular technology will come out declining the smartphone market. I believe in the next 10 years or less that will happen.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Samsung Social Media and Marketing

Samsung uses social media just like any every big name company to promote their products. Samsung has a Facebook page with over 29 million likes, a Twitter page with over 6 million followers and a Vine page. They include pictures, videos, description and details of their products from their phones, televisions to their computers.
 Social media is a very powerful, influential and efficient marketing tool, people have a lot access to internet and social media because of smartphones.And so since creating a page on these social media sites are free, it basically free advertising. But for their advertisement to show up on other people page they have to pay. Last year alone Samsung spend over 4.3 billion dollars on advertising which is definitely one of the reasons why they are the top manufacturer of smartphones worldwide.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Samsung Product Concept

Samsung offers a variety of products from televisions to tablets which would be consider the product mix width, but the products I been talking about through out the blog has been their cell phones, specifically their Galaxy phones which would be consider the product mix depth.

Their Galaxy phones is an example of a product line, they are very similar in looks and operating system but each phone has different update of the operating system and features. Each year Samsung make changes to their Galaxy phones and that is called product modification.

Galaxy would be considered a homogeneous shopping products because there are other smart phones in the market but Galaxy has its features that make it different.

Samsung brand is definitely is known throughout the whole world. Customers know that Samsung products are affordable as well as efficient and they know its money well spent.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Samsung Personal Selling and Sales Management

Samsung uses advertising of the features and looks of their Galaxy products "Look Pretty" and use price as sales promotion.
Traditional personal  selling is a method that is use to persuade a buyer to purchase a product or service and Samsung uses this method to sell their Galaxy products because they come out with  new Galaxy products every year, so they are consistently persuading customers to buy their latest product.
Samsung Galaxy S1 2010

Samsung Galaxy S2
Samsung Galaxy S3 2012

Samsung Galaxy S4 2013

Samsung doesn't discount their products because one of their strength is their product being affordable, but the cell phone service company they sell their product uses  personal selling when they offer discounted prices and zero dollar down plans.
 Samsung latest product is Samsung Gear and it is an example of a cross-selling product because it is compatible with Samsung Galaxy phones, meaning in order to get the full benefit of both you have to purchase them both.

 A goal that Samsung set for 2013 is to sell 500 million devices, last year they approximately sold  420 million devices.