Sunday, November 24, 2013

Samsung Developing and Managing Products

Product Life Cycle is a concept that provides a way to trace the stages of product's acceptance, from its introduction to  its decline.

Samsung Galaxy Introductory Stage
Samsung used aggressive advertising to introduce their Galaxy products, they spend 401 million dollars in 2012 on advertising.

Samsung Galaxy Growth Stage
Galaxy phones are in its growth stage because despite the crowded market of smartphones Galaxy phones offers a lot of features like Air View, Smart Scroll, Smart Pause and Watch On their competitors don't offer at a reasonable price.

Samsung Galaxy Maturity Stage
Smartphone market is definitely crowded, everyone has one. In next 5 years smartphones will reach its maturity stage.

Samsung Galaxy Decline Stage
Society will get tired of smartphones like it did with flip and bulky phones. At that point a new upgrade in cellular technology will come out declining the smartphone market. I believe in the next 10 years or less that will happen.

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